Data means raw facts or unprocessed information. Data could be in form of Number, Alphabet, Alphanumeric, (combination of numbers, alphabets and some special characters such as symbols), Logic etc.

A)  Field: A field is a unit of a record that contains Alphabets (Characters), Numbers or combination of both. A field is used to categorize or create heading for a particular column in your record. For every field there must be a name given to it.

B)  Field Name: You can use the Fieldname property to specify the name of a field within a table. For example, you can specify “Last Name” for a field that stores employees’ last names within the Employees table.

C)  Field Size: This specifies the length of a field and it determines how many characters or alphabets your field would contain.

D)  Data Type:    This provides an easy way to set the type of data you want to enter in a particular field e.g. Character, Number Date, Currency etc.

·        Character field accepts alphabet up to a maximum width of 254 characters

·        Number field accepts only  numbers and has a maximum width of 20 digits

·        Yes/No Field accepts a single character i.e. Y or N

·        Date/Time field accepts only date and contains a width of 8 characters. When entering date, it must be entered like this: 12/28/09 (mm/dd/yy), where mm(12) is for month in 2digits, dd(28) is for day in 2digits and yy(09) for year in 2digits.

·        Currency field accepts only currency and it’s only the number value that must be entered into the fields provided.

·        Memo field is used to enter comment, remark or as the names indicates, MEMO.

·        OLE field (Object Linking Embedment) accepts only objects, pictures or images.

·        Lookup Wizard field enables you to type a dropdown list of names or texts.

E)  RECORD: A database file consists of different Records. These are information, which are constructed out of a fixed range of fields in which the different categories of data are stored. In other words, a record is made up of elements of individual fields in a single row on the database table structure. A record is usually assigned a sequential record number when the record is added to the database.

F)  DATABASE NAME:  Database name is name given to your database. All database files must have names used in referring to them. For example, you could have a database file called ADDRESS. DBF, which contains fields like address, Phone number, email address etc.