Showing posts with label Microsoft Access. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft Access. Show all posts


Microsoft Access provides two methods you can use to create a database.

Option 1: You can create a database using Blank Access Database and then add the tables, forms, reports, and other object later – this is the most flexible method, but it requires you to define each database element separately.

Option 2: You can also create a database using Create Database by Using Wizard. Either way, you can modify and extend your database at any time after it has been created.

To create a simple database file, simply follow the steps below:

v Open Microsoft Access

v In the welcome window, click Blank Access Database and Click Ok

v Type your database name and click create

Make sure the name you type can easily be remembered


After creating a database file, next is to create a table for your database. A table is a collection of data about a specific topic, such as product or supplier. Before creating a table, you should first of all decide the kind of information you will need. For example you may want to keep records of the NAME, SEX, STATE, TELEPHONE NUMBER, HOME/CONTACT ADDRESS, DATE OF BIRTH and AGE of all the staff in Dream-alive Computer Institute. To achieve this, you need to put a column in your database for each of these fields i.e. NAME, SEX, STATE AGE etc. these fields are captured in one group called record. As you add new people (records) to the table, it gets longer. On the other hand, if you delete people’s records, the table gets shorter, but the same column is retained.

A table is the primary means of storing data in Microsoft Access. A single file is called a table and a collection of tables and associated files is referred to as database.


There are three ways you can create a table in Microsoft Access, namely:

v You can create a table using Design view

v You can as well create a table using Wizard

v And lastly, you can create a table by entering data (Datasheet)


You can practice to create tables by using the examples below, which gives you more understanding of how tables work.

v To create a table using design view, simply double click the “Create Table in Design view” in the database window.

v Next, type your field names and their data types. Data type indicate the type of entry you want to enter in the table. You can also indicate the properties/description of your data. Property/Description is where you can indicate how many lengths of characters you want a field to accept.

v Save your table and close.


 Data means raw facts or unprocessed information. Data could be in form of Number, Alphabet, Alphanumeric, (combination of numbers, alphabets and some special characters such as symbols), Logic etc.

A)  Field: A field is a unit of a record that contains Alphabets (Characters), Numbers or combination of both. A field is used to categorize or create heading for a particular column in your record. For every field there must be a name given to it.

B)  Field Name: You can use the Fieldname property to specify the name of a field within a table. For example, you can specify “Last Name” for a field that stores employees’ last names within the Employees table.

C)  Field Size: This specifies the length of a field and it determines how many characters or alphabets your field would contain.

D)  Data Type:    This provides an easy way to set the type of data you want to enter in a particular field e.g. Character, Number Date, Currency etc.

·        Character field accepts alphabet up to a maximum width of 254 characters

·        Number field accepts only  numbers and has a maximum width of 20 digits

·        Yes/No Field accepts a single character i.e. Y or N

·        Date/Time field accepts only date and contains a width of 8 characters. When entering date, it must be entered like this: 12/28/09 (mm/dd/yy), where mm(12) is for month in 2digits, dd(28) is for day in 2digits and yy(09) for year in 2digits.

·        Currency field accepts only currency and it’s only the number value that must be entered into the fields provided.

·        Memo field is used to enter comment, remark or as the names indicates, MEMO.

·        OLE field (Object Linking Embedment) accepts only objects, pictures or images.

·        Lookup Wizard field enables you to type a dropdown list of names or texts.

E)  RECORD: A database file consists of different Records. These are information, which are constructed out of a fixed range of fields in which the different categories of data are stored. In other words, a record is made up of elements of individual fields in a single row on the database table structure. A record is usually assigned a sequential record number when the record is added to the database.

F)  DATABASE NAME:  Database name is name given to your database. All database files must have names used in referring to them. For example, you could have a database file called ADDRESS. DBF, which contains fields like address, Phone number, email address etc.




Database is collection of information related to a particular subject or purpose. Database takes care of your personal business or information such as tracking customer orders, maintaining a music collection, Cheque book, Telephone book, expenses book etc.

In Database, the entire field for a particular entry is called a record. A record contains all the information about a particular person or thing. Each item within a record is called a field. The following fields can be contained in a client’s record within a Database:

A.   Surname

B.   Other Names

C.   Contact Address

D.   Postal Address

E.   Marital Status

F.   Age

G.   Sex

H.  Telephone Number etc



Using Microsoft Access, you can manage all your information from a single database file. Within the file, you can divide your data into separate storage container called tables, you can also view, add, and update data using forms, you can as well find and retrieve just the data you want using queries and analyze or print your data using reports. To bring the data from multiple tables together in a query, form or report, you need to define the relationships between the tables. Relationship is used to merge tables and forms together and retrieve just the data that meets conditions you specify including data from multiple tables and create a query. A query is used to retrieve some specific records in a database.

There are different types of Database Application Packages, though they perform the same functions but they are produced by different manufactures. Examples are Dbase 3, 4, & 5, DACEASY, FOXPRO, AMIPRO, PEACHTREE, S.P.S.S, MS-ACCESS etc.


1.    Database enables storage of all kinds of information often called data such as address, telephone numbers, school report, exam scores etc. this is because it has large storage facilities in a small space.

2.   It makes searching for specific stored information more flexible and easier. This is due to the fact that database system possesses fast and effective searching procedures.

3.   It enables the sorting of records in a specific order.

4.   It makes the creation of a mail merge document with your data possible.

5.   It enables easy modification of stored information.

6.   It provides security for the Data in a Database.

7.   Flexibility

8.   High Speed

9.   High degree of Accuracy

10. Duplication is possible


Some versions of database application packages run in DOS (Disk Operating System) environment. Some of which are Dbase II, III, IV, etc. some versions of database programs that run in Windows environment include Dbase V for windows, Microsoft Access, Magic, FoxPro, FoxBase, Oracle, MS-SQL etc.