Make sure the printer is connected to your computer, turn it on and ensure you have enough papers loaded.

Click File or Office button menu

Click Print

In the print dialog box, enter the print range and number of copies to print.

CHOOSE                        TO

All                                           Print the entire document

Current page                            Prints the page where the cursor is located


Pages:         Print the page you type in the page box e.g to Print pages 2, 4, 5, 6, and 9, type 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 or to print 1to5 type 1-5 in the page option box.

Selection    prints highlighted or selected text or object

Choose Ok

Note: It is advisable to Print Preview your work before the final printing so as to see how it looks like before it is printed. That’s what is called WYSIWYG meaning WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET. You can preview by clicking Print Preview from the file menu (Ctrl + F2). Print preview is a very essential aspect of printing.