The typing area is a blank screen with blank element known as the “Cursor”. The cursor is “I” and signifies where next your text will appear. You can try by typing, “Microsoft Word is interesting”. Don’t forget that the main Microsoft Word screen is known as the “WINDOW”.

TITLE BAR:         The first component we will be considering is called the title bar. It is located at the top of the screen and it contains the name of the program you open and the current document name.

MENU BAR:  The menu bar is located directly below the Title bar and contains the menu titles such as File, Edit, View reference, Inset etc. the menu is list of commands available in Microsoft Word.

TOOLS BAR: The tool bar contains Icons, Drop Down menus and other buttons used in executing various commands. All toolbars serve as shortcut to the menu bar. Toolbar is divided into a few other areas, such as:

Standard Toolbar: This can be used to quickly create a new blank document, save document, check spelling and grammar, undo previous actions etc.

Formatting Toolbar: Formatting Toolbar is used to transform the appearance of your text. It can be used to apply colours, style, bullet, bold, underline etc to your text.

Tables and Borders Toolbar: This is used to beautify your documents by applying line borders to it. It can also be used to tabulate your work.

 Drawing Toolbar: As the name implies, it is used to draw and colour objects

RULER BAR: The ruler bar shows the margins, columns and tables in your documents.

STATUS BAR: This status bar gives more information about a particular document your are working on, E.g Ln1 meaning the cursor is on line one, Page 1 meaning you are currently working on page one, 1/2  meaning you are on page one of two, Sec 1 meaning you are on section one etc.

SCROLL BAR: These enable you to adjust your document when it is larger than what you can view a time i.e it enables you to move around documents.

CONTROL BUTTONS: These provide easy way to close programs and documents, reduce the size of your programs and documents under which we have the following: Minus (-) sign which stands for Minimize, the (X) sign which stands for close and the middles box  which stands for restore.

Note that when you click the restore button, your program or document will become smaller while the position where the restore button stays would be replaced for Maximize.